Sunday, May 25, 2008

Saturday Night Live - The Office from Japan

Sorry I haven't posted in several weeks. I was in the middle of a huge project involving reorganizing my music collection. Considering I have over 1000 albums in mp3 format, it's taken a while to sift out the good songs and to download album art for each one. You see, I've gotten a Zune, which is like an iPod, but for people that don't like Macs, like this guy.

I'm going to post very soon, but in the meantime, here is a funny skit from Saturday Night Live. This is a parody of The Office, which is one of our favorite shows.

Memo to some parents on my block this 4th of July...

I realize that it's July 4th and that boys like to shoot off fireworks. I, myself, blew up my fair share of them when I was a kid contin...