Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lots of news: Sanjaya still alive. We get a cat. The Easter Bunny leaves an 'ipod' for Julia. Bill's still a jerk.

Sanjaya is still alive on American Idol after the vote tonight, which is infuriating my wife. She really, really hates that kid, but now there's another person in favor of him in our household

Last night, we were watching American Idol with our daughter, Julia. Normally, she doesn't watch what we watch because by the time Laura gets home when we watch our programs, Julia's already in bed. Tuesday night, Laura was home early, so we watched American Idol.

I documented how I'm firmly on board the vote for Sanjaya bandwagon. What's interesting in how popular he seems to be with little kids in an article I read. Sure enough, when Sanjaya hit the stage, Julia was fixated on him. She beamed, "He was good!" and declared, "The last guy was my favorite!" Keep in mind, she's never seen him before. I guess his smoldering, yet innocent looks eased her mind.


We also have just gotten a cat today. As you know, our old cat, Moe, died a few weeks ago. Well, Laura couldn't take it any longer not have a cat that loved her and frankly, I couldn't take her not having one either because she seemed to openly resent any affection our other two cats, Murphy and Suzy, gave me.

So we picked out this cat tonight. He wasn't exactly our first choice (the one my wife was wanting was already gone), but it seemed like fate because he sprinted into our private room at the humane society. The volunteer said that the cat's sheet noted that he was a shy and timid cat. You could have fooled us. From the instant he was in the room, he was purring his heart out. While not the first choice, he definitely won Laura over, so it was homeward bound for him.

It was my duty to get the cat home, which turned out to be no easy feat. I placed his cardboard carrier box in the back seat with Julia. As soon as we started towards home, the cat was meowing and clawing at the box holes like crazy. Julia did her best at calming the poor thing, but he kept clawing. He managed to claw open a hole in the box and was starting to work on an escape when Julia grabbed one of her drawing notebooks and held it against the hole.

The cat stopped clawing while Julia held the notebook. Julia remarked, "Oh my gosh. This is the weirdest day of my life!"


Speaking of Julia, the Easter bunny gave Julia an ipod. Well, it's not exactly an ipod. It's a Target-brand MP3 player, but it does the job.

We decided to get an MP3 player for Julia because she's been rather insistent that we listen to her music, which lately is a rotation of five songs played over and over. One of them is Queen's "Somebody to Love" that gets played on an continuous loop that drives you insane. So we got her the mp3 player to listen to. Now we get to hear her lovely singing, which makes us laugh as she mangles the lyrics to every song.


Bill's still a jerk. For no reason... :)

Memo to some parents on my block this 4th of July...

I realize that it's July 4th and that boys like to shoot off fireworks. I, myself, blew up my fair share of them when I was a kid contin...