Monday, July 06, 2009

Fourth of July weekend - restless sleep, an okay movie and in-laws...

This weekend, we went to spend time with Laura's Mom and Dad, who were watching Julia for the week. The week was filled with all sorts of fun and activities for Julia, but it was starting to take a toll on her when we got there on Friday.

Maybe it's because she doesn't like sleeping in a strange house by herself or because she was off her usual schedule, but she insisted that someone sleep with her. Grandma slept with her for a few days, but because she wasn't sleeping well with Julia's squirming and how hot Julia is to lay next to, the duty went to Laura.

Laura thought that Julia had fallen asleep, but soon after she left the room, Julia came bounding down the steps wondering why Laura had left.

So I was tagged and told to lay down with Julia. I grabbed my Zune and resolved to listen to one of my audiobooks while she fell asleep. About 40 minutes later of tossing, turning, requests for water, complaints of being hot and all around not sleeping, I resolved to just act like I was falling asleep so she'd fall asleep. I closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew, it was 4:30 in the morning. I had to go the bathroom bad. I got up and went, but I decided to go to where Laura was sleeping, which is a much comfier bed. I laid down and tried to sleep, but Laura was breathing heavy and had this soft snore going on. I couldn't sleep. I went back to Julia's bed, but still couldn't sleep. It was 5 am and my stomach was growling, which was part of the problem why I couldn't get back to sleep. I left the house and drove to McDonalds. I got there just as they were unlocking the doors and ordered a Bacon, Egg and Cheese McGriddles meal.

I got back and chatted with Laura's Dad for literally 3 hours until finally Julia got up. I then went back to bed and slept for 3 hours. When I got up, Laura announced to me that she was going out with her Mom and I was to get some cake pans out of the oven. I was warned not to forget. I didn't.

She also said that she was going to go see A Night at the Museum: Battle for the Smithsonian with some family members. I suggested that I could go see The Hangover while they were at the movie. I had no desire to see the second A Night at the Museum movie. It looked rather unnecessary to have a sequel.

Well on the way to the theater, Laura strongly urged me to see her movie. I refused. Then she said that I was being selfish. I said I wasn't. She accused me of isolating myself from her family. I reminded her that I've talked to her Dad more than she had this weekend. She said that I was being an asshole. I protested that I was not. With rising vocals, Laura said that I would be viewed as a rather selfish bastard (not in those words) if I went to see a movie by myself while She, Julia, Her grandma, her Grandma's sister, her Aunt, her Aunt's husband, her cousin, her uncle, and her nephew went to see A Night at the Museum 2.

I sighed and relented. Jeez, it's as if you can't make a selfish choice during a family weekend without crap coming down on you!

So we saw the movie. It was okay. It had some funny moments, but for the most part, it's what I thought it was going to be. The movie centers around Ben Stiller's character from the first film no longer a security guard, but an infomercial pitchman. He's successful, but his absence leads to the exhibits being shut down and sent to the Smithsonian for storage. They call him for help (not sure how they managed to get a hold of a phone, let alone his number). He shows up and steals a security badge from a guard, dresses up as a guard and attempts to save the living exhibits and the Egyptian artifact that keeps them alive.

Along the way, he encounters some new exhibits like General Custer and Amelia Airheart, played by Amy Adams.

I guess what got me through this mediocre movie was wondering about the plot loopholes. He manages to infiltrate the Smithsonian and no one notices that all the exhibits have come to life. I kept thinking, "Where are the guards? Shouldn't there at least be video surveillance?" At several points in the movie, giant windows are busted through. No one thought to turn on the security alarms, I guess. After all, it's only the most important museum in America with lots of priceless artifacts and memorabilia.

After the film, it was time for people to come over. With that many republicans in the room, I was treated to a lot of Obama conspiracy theories and general complaining about the state of America and those idiots that voted for Obama. I am always under strict orders not to argue with Laura's family. Seeing how I value my life, I never get in arguments with her relatives. It's amazing how much you can tune out when you fear reprisal from your wife.

It wasn't bad, though. It never is. I like my in-laws and look past their views. I'm sure they know mine and look past them as well as I'm quite the catch.

The fourth ended with me lighting off a mountain of fireworks bought by Laura's uncle.

Julia was ordered to take a quick bath, while I was ordered to get some benedryl to try and knock Julia out. I gave her two of the chewable kind.

At 9 am the next morning, Julia was still not up. Laura's Mom asked us, "Jeez. How much did you give her?"

Finally, Julia walked out groggily at 9:30 in the morning.

"I'm up!" she announced.

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Memo to some parents on my block this 4th of July...

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