Monday, August 14, 2006

Other music I'm listening to lately...

Futureheads - News and Tributes

The Futureheads are a band in the vein of punk rock in that they're not really punk. I guess you'd call them post-punk. My brother, Bill, said they remind him of the Clash, which they sound nothing like. I liked their first self-titled album a lot. The problem with a punkish-like band is that their first record is usually wall-to-wall uptempo number, which leads to disappointments on subsequent releases. The new album has uptempo numbers but a lot of them start out slow and end fast. Some are just slow the whole way through. I like it, but it's not wowing me. C+

Slayer - Christ Illusion

Slayer is a band that I grew up with when I was a metal head. They're a dark metal band that sings about such sunshiny topics like Satan, God, religion, war, demons, blood, etc. Did I mention they love to sing about dark stuff? Fast, pounding and full of fury, this album does not disappoint. I haven't listened to them in years, but it's a nice change of pace. I'd give it a B

These are just two I've been listening to this week. More to come...

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