Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bill jokes about giving away Survivor, but gives a bigger hint...

Bill called Thursday night after Survivor usually airs.

I hadn't watched it yet because while I like the show, I'm not addicted to the show. I usually wait a few days to watch it on my DVR list.

Bill says, "I don't want to spoil Survivor for you, but someone wins immunity."

I chuckle and ask, "Oh really?"

Bill continues, "Yeah. And when he wins, they put the immunity necklace around his neck."

"Oh? So the person that wins immunity is a 'he', huh? You do realize that you gave away who might have won by narrowing it down to the men?"

"No..." Bill stammers a bit. "I... uhh.. was using the 'he' term in the relative non-gender use. I didn't give anything away."

"Well, we'll see," I laugh.

Sure enough, when the Immunity Challenge segment arrives, the person that wins it is a man and not only that, but the guy was in such a huge lead that it was pretty obvious that "he" was going to win it.

I really don't care, but it was just funny to me that Bill attempted to joke and not give anything away, but ended up giving a bigger hint than he intended. Leave that to a professional...

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