Thursday, September 01, 2005

I really love this commercial...

I really love this commercial that I saw on Fox News the other day. I've only seen it once and I only saw it with the sound down (we mute the TV while Julia watches her little TV), but I died laughing when I saw it.

The scene is outdoors. You see a hot 30-ish blond woman sitting with a much older gentleman that is obviously in his late 50s or early 60s. They're sitting outside at a wooden table with green, lush trees in the background. They're smiling and drinking mixed drinks and appear to be having a nice conversation. At this point, the words "VIAGRA" appear as part of the text onscreen.

I do a double take and pay more attention.

The man suddenly starts blink rapidly and rubs his eyes.

The screen shifts to a blurry image of the hot woman sitting with the old guy.

She grabs his arm and I'm assuming mutters something like "What's wrong?"

Text on the screen are for the services of a lawyer/law firm for an upcoming class action suit about Viagra causing men to lose their vision.

I'm dying of laughter at this point. How classic is that? They're obviously going after their chief demographic, horny, old men that has obviously married a trophy wife, but need the Viagra for help in that area. Either that or they're assuming that this could only be the only reason men use Viagra, which can't be true. Still I find it funny they jumped to that conclusion...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh goody, another class action lawsuit against drug manufacturers. THAT'll encourage companies to invest in research toward live-saving/life-improving technologies.


Sounds like a witty commercial, though. I like it when marketing types have a sense of humor.

Memo to some parents on my block this 4th of July...

I realize that it's July 4th and that boys like to shoot off fireworks. I, myself, blew up my fair share of them when I was a kid contin...