Sunday, August 10, 2008

An All-American... ummm...

Laura reminded me of this story the other night when we were watching the Daily Show on Comedy Central. The segment centered on Denny's revamping their late-night menu in an effort to draw in the teenagers. Suddenly, Laura started laughing her head off. After that, she reminded me of this story...

Years back, my friend, Jeff, was moving to Wahoo in an effort to be closer to Omaha so that his commute wouldn't be that long. As it turns out, he could have moved to Waverly or Gretna and been just as close to Creighton University, but that's not my problem in that's what Laura suggested to Jeff...

We loaded up the U-Haul truck with all of Jeff's stuff from his apartment. To show us his thanks, Jeff took us out to lunch at a place called the All-American Buffet. Now I don't really remember much about the lunch that day. It wasn't that bad, but Bill seems to remember it as being particularly awful.

Jeff took his car. I think I followed in a car (so I could get back to Lincoln with Bill). Bill drove the truck. Jeff and I get to Wahoo within minutes of each other. Then we waited with the others at the house for the truck to arrive. We waited. We waited some more. And we waited some more...

Finally, Bill showed up with the truck.

"Where were you?" Jeff asked Bill.

The buffet food didn't agree with him, so he had to make a pitstop on the way.

"Oh, I had to stop on the way to take an All-American shit!" Bill explained.

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