Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hey, I've got that shirt, too...

Last Friday night, Laura and I went to The Dark Knight movie.

As we were walking in, we noticed some teenagers sitting against the window of the movie theater complex. They were probably waiting for their ride from the parents as the theater in our neighborhood doesn't allow teenagers under 16 past 10 p.m. I think they instituted it because they were tired of the damage to their theater, but that's not important to the story.

Seeing as we're going to see a pop culture event movie like the latest Batman movie, I decided to wear a quirky shirt that I had gotten at Target the other day. It's a brown shirt that looks like a skeletal ribcage, but instead of bones, the ribcage is made up of records, record player arms and cassette tapes. It's one of those shirts that supposed to look retro and hip.

As we're walking past the teenagers, a boy with the group says, "Hey man! I've got that shirt, too!"

I smile, raise my eyebrows and give him a small thumbs up as I pass him.

After we buy our tickets and walk past the counter, I say, "Wow. That makes me feel old that he has the same shirt that I have."

"Maybe he thought it was 'retro' and 'hip'?" Laura asked.


I thought about it for a minute while we were waiting for the previews to start. Yes, it looks like a young person's shirt, but I'm not that old. I'm only 37-years-old, which would have sounded ancient to me had I been as young as that kid. He sees an old dude walking buy with a belly and a graying beard. To him, I might be the lame old guy trying to act hip.

"You know," I said. "I probably have more of a right to wear that shirt than he does. I grew up with records and cassette tapes. That'd be like me wearing a black leather jacket and greasing up my hair."

I make a motion like I'm styling my hair like Danny Zucko from Grease.

She thought I was referring to the Fonz.

"Aayy!!" Laura said with her thumbs up.

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