Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mini Laura loses a tooth...

Laura tells me that at work, they call Julia, Mini Laura, or Laura's Mini Me because she has a lot of the same mannerisms as Laura.

I've kind of noticed that myself. For a seven-year-old girl, Julia talks rather grown up sometimes.

The other night, Julia was messing with her loose tooth. It's one of the top, front teeth. I suggested that I try to yank it out, but she wouldn't let me near it. Finally, she relented, but when my big tug didn't pull it out, she screamed and forbade me from trying again.

The next day, it came out when she was at our after-school care provider's house. Michelle, the provider I mentioned, told us that Julia was playing with the loose tooth and offered to pull it out for her.

Julia told her and I quote, "Listen. You don't understand. I have an issue with this. I don't like pain."

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