Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I search for a check that has already been found...

Just another example of the mundanity (is that even a word?) that is my life. The most exciting thing that happened to me yesterday didn't even have to happen.

I'm at work and at about 9 am I get this call.

"This is Bob."

"Hi, what did you do with the check?" asked my wife.

"What check?"

"The cashiers check that we made out to (our builder). (We're building a house out in Millard, just FYI.) What did you do with it?"

"I don't know where it is."

"You don't KNOW." Laura emphasized to me.

"Right. I didn't do anything with the check. How is this my problem?"

"Because I can't find the check and I need to take it to the bank and get reimbursed for it."

I sigh and ask, "Wasn't it on the kitchen ledge (the one around our apartment kitchen)? I know I just saw it."

Laura says, "Well it isn't there now! I'm afraid it might have fallen in the trash."

"How did it fall into the trash?"

"Because it was on the ledge above the trash."


"All right. I'll try to find it tonight."

"Well, look through the trash first before you take it out."

I'm working for a while and a short time later it's bugging me about the check. I know I just saw it. I started to get nervous about my wife throwing out the check accidentally, which has happened before, and I feel that I need to go home and find it. You see, this wouldn't be the first time that a check has been misplaced and by misplaced, I mean thrown away by my wife.

When we lived in California, I came home one day and opened the mail. One of the letters was our federal income tax refund check from the IRS. I place all of the mail on the counter for my wife to see and I go to bed (it was late when I got home). I even told her that we got our refund check in the mail. After a few days, we are talking about depositing the check so I look for it. I can't find it.

"Where did you put that check from the IRS?" I asked. "It was on the counter with the other mail."

"It was? I thought it was junk mail and threw it out!"

I couldn't believe it. Long story short, I ended up digging through our apartment complex's garbage bin for our garbage sack from a few days ago, but I can't find it. We got it about 5 months later after a long process of getting a new check issued.

This was more serious. I didn't know if the bank could just stop payment on the check and give us the money back.

I decided to go home at noon and look for it.

I get home and pull the top off the trash. It's filled to the top! I start to paw through it, but then decide to check a few other places first. I check the ground around it. Nothing. I check the floor around the kitchen table. Nothing. I pull the drawer we keep bills in open. There it is.


I called my wife and assumed she'd be overjoyed that I found it.

"Hey, I found the check that you were looking for."

"Oh, so did I," she said a little nonchalantly.

"What? When?"

"Oh a few minutes after I talked to you."

I get a little irritated.

"Why didn't you call me and tell me that you found it?"

"I didn't want to bother you!"

"You didn't want to bother me!? I stressed about this all morning, which is why I came home to find it."

She didn't want to bother me? Bothering me would be calling me up and asking me to find a check, finding it yourself and then not telling me that you found it. That would be bother me. Not bothering me and actually doing me a favor would be to ease my fears and telling me that you found the check.

No morale here. It's just business as usual...

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