Monday, October 03, 2005

A lot of changes this weekend...

I ended up moving this past weekend to be closer to my new job. It was something that we've been putting off for a long time now, but rising gas prices (thank you very much oil cronies making 3 times the profits you have been making) drove us (no pun intended) to look into moving a lot sooner.

Actually, I was working in Lincoln and my wife has been commuting for the past 5 years to Omaha. So the added cost to commuting wasn't worth it anymore. We had to move.

We sold our house about 6 weeks ago and moved into our new apartment this past weekend. It's a nice, quaint apartment, which means it's much smaller than the space we're used to. To make a long story short, it took us about 7 hours to load the truck stretching Friday night to Saturday afternoon. Then we had to drive to Omaha, unload half of the truck into the apartment and then unload the rest of it in storage at friend's house.

Even with all of that moving, we realized that we left some stuff at the old house that we needed: silverware, sheets, towels, etc. You know, non-essential stuff. So we had to make another trip on Sunday back to the house to pick up this stuff. Even with that trip, I'm going to have to make yet another trip to get everything else that we left behind.

Aaahh... I love moving.

The new apartment is nice in that you can't hear any of your neighbors, but for some reason when the air conditioner kicks on, it drowns out the TV so we end up turning it up and down indiscriminately (see the story below about volume problems in our house). As a result, we've taken to just listening to our shows with headphones to avoid that problem.

We had a nice lady that lives across from us. In a span of 24 hours, she's already give us two trays of delicious treats AND a chicken casserole with rice covered with cheese. It was a nice surprise and more delicious than our planned frozen pizza.

Right now, it's impossible to find anything. We still have about a dozen boxes to unload and everything is not where I'd expect it to be.

We'll manage, I guess. Thanks a whole bunch to Joe, Bill, Zack, Derek and Daniel for helping. I don't know how we would have done the move without you.

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