Sunday, April 30, 2006

Keith Richards falls out of a tree. No seriously...

Keith Richards, the guitarist for the Rolling Stones, fell out of a tree while in Fiji. Seriously, he did. See the link if you don't believe me.

He was in Fiji on vacation and fell out of a coconut tree. Keith Richards suffered a mild concussion and spent several days in the hospital.

When I read this headline, I thought it was a joke, but April Fools Day had already passed.

So after reading this, I have to wonder, was it because he was stoned, drunk, both or just stupid? If you've ever seen Keith Richards, he looks like he crawled out of the grave and has for years. He's skinny and looks like he's consumed every vise under the sun, yet he decided to climb a coconut tree.

My other thought was that maybe he was too cheap to buy a coconut. After all, he's part of the same band that have more money than any human being could ever spend and they still want more. This is the same guy that was pissed off when he heard the Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" song that sampled the Rolling Stones. Instead of letting the band settle, they screw them by forcing all profits to go to the Rolling Stones and even barred them from performing it live.

Or maybe it's fate telling Keith that it's time to come home. I think he's been tempting fate for years with his smoking, drinking and other vices. Who knows? It's still pretty fun.

And Keith if you're reading this, hope you're well, loved your first solo album and please don't sue me...

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