Monday, April 18, 2005

Bob's TV Log - Monday, April 18th, 2005


Easy Rider - AMC

I haven't seen the end of this movie because I was really bored when I rented this one night. This is the movie baby boomers were inspired by? Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper star as two motorcyclists that ride across the country for who knows what reason. With a gas tank full of cocaine, they switch between a dramatic scene and a scene of them riding to music. Back and forth.

I do remember that they happen upon a hippie colony in the middle of the desert. The hippies are stupidly trying to grow seeds on very dry land, to which Dennis Hopper points out that it's a waste of time. Peter Fonda disagrees and says something like, "No man. They're going to make it." Yeah, sure they are. I really hate hippies anyway, so I was rolling my eyes during the entire hippy scene. I guess since this was set during the Summer of '69 that this was a prevalent attitude among young people.

It's just perplexing to me that this movie inspired people. Maybe I need to watch the rest of it to see what the point is. Like I said, I got bored watching it and stopped.

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