Thursday, June 04, 2009

June 3rd - Stretching...

Today I went swimming with Julia after work. Laura worked out while we smam. She's apparently got it into her head that she's going to sign up and run a 5k, which is about 3 miles. She also took great pleasure in rubbing it in how she's in the best shape of her life and how I need to get back on the ball since I've gained a lot of weight since last summer.

I grumbled, "Oh, you're just loving rubbing this aren't you after all my years of suggesting that you start running."

"That and the 'you need to stretch' stuff that I've been hearing."

I've been urging Laura to stretch because she doesn't. I keep trying to tell her that not stretching is going to lead to problems, but she doesn't listen. She periodically will pull a muscle, which requires her to ice and take pain killers.

I try to point out that if she goes to a doctor to complain about the muscle that a doctor is going to ask how it happened and when the cause is diagnosed, the doctor will show her a series of stretches to perform before and after working out to get rid of it and prevent it from happening again.

Laura scowls every time I tell her to stretch.

I replied, "Well, it's true. And if you're going to run a 5k without stretching, you're asking for pulled muscles, shin splits and Achilles tendinitis."

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